Congratulations David Liam Roberts from the Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg! Congratulations to Manitoba’s David Liam Roberts - cello - who played his way to the $1500 first prize in the strings division at this year's National Music Festival in New Brunswick! Further to this, he was also named the overall Grand Award Winner, which brings with it a sum of $5000 and a performance opportunity with the NB Youth Orchestra. Isn't that incredibly great news? You can read more about the Nationals at
David Liam Roberts was also the 2nd place winner in the 2018 WMC McLellan Competition for Solo Performance with the WSO as well as a 2018 WMC Scholarship winner of the Berythe Birse Scholarship....all these achievements, as well as all his past accomplishments are placing him at the cusp of a very promising professional career...all at a very young age!
Someone to watch! See him perform - along with 5 other winners on December 30th at 2 pm at the 2018 WMC Scholarship Winners’ Recital at the WAG! Tickets $25. Under 30 $15. Students $5. Purchase individual tickets online through our website or at the door (cash or cheque only).